Today we worked on writing on assertions for our district assessment in English. In history, we did activities about the Ten Commandments for our Ancient Hebrews unit.

Tonight's homework is to finish the assertion worksheet on both sides. Also, I sent home a book order today that is due next Friday, January 21st.
Today in class we did a practice assessment to review and what we studied in English before the break. We also took notes on the Central Teachings of Judaism (Power Point available in the history resources section on the website).
Tonight's homework is to choose a topic for the How-to Speech and write a rough draft of the instructions for the poster. The students can choose any topic and must write at least five steps. The instructions for the speech are on the English resources page.
Today in class we introduced the website and went over the How-To speech format. In history we introduced our Ancient Hebrews unit with a KWL chart and an introductory timeline activity.

Tonight's homework is to complete ALL Christmas break homework and to take the surveys on the website.
If you look under "Fun Stuff" there are three surveys for you to take! These are a way to share your opinions with me. I'll keep adding surveys throughout the year, so check back often!
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I have posted several of my Power Point Presentations on the site. That way if you need notes, miss a day, or if any of you parents want access to some of our class information you can check them out as well.

To find the presentations, go to classes, then choose either history or English (there are more history ones for now), and then choose resources. From there you can choose the unit you are interested in and check out the Power Points. We are about to start Ancient Hebrews, so if you want a preview, check out that section! I will keep updating the site with more resources throughout the year, so check back often!
Just a reminder that your Winter Break homework is due on Monday, January 10th. Your homework includes:
-read your Christmas gift book and complete the book report assignment (don't forget to draw the new cover on the back of the page!)
-complete the four Brainpop quizzes
-work on any missing assignments in order to raise your grade! 

That's it. See you Monday!
Welcome to my classroom blog! I will be updating as often as I can with assignments and important information for students and parents. Be sure to comment and tell me what you think or ask questions. Enjoy!